Cartoonmuseum Basel


Sunday guided tour

Sunday, 17.11.2024, 2pm–3pm
Sunday, 1.12.2024, 2pm–3pm
Sunday, 19.1.2025, 2pm–3pm
Sunday, 16.2.2025, 2pm–3pm
Sunday, 23.2.2025, 2pm–3pm

Gerhard Glück is a cartoonist who paints. With a lush palette, old-masterly brushstrokes and subtle humour, he portrays simple people and well-behaved animals who are unexpectedly confronted with weird, adverse, often grotesque situations. On this guided tour, we take a look at what goes on in the painter’s workshop – and at this master’s career, which spans over fifty years.

Costs: CHF 5.– plus entrance fee

No prior registration required