ShopAllOtherPublicationsPostersPublicationsArt as a gift: Your Cartoonmuseum Basel Annual TicketOtherCHF 100.00 / CHF 180.00 / CHF 25.00Vouchers for Shop or exhibitionOtherCHF 14.00 / CHF 7.00 / CHF 20.00 / CHF 50.00 / CHF 100.00Accompanying publication PublicationsCHF 29.00‘Thomas Ott. From Scratch’ postcardsOtherCHF 12.00«Thomas Ott. From Scratch» Exhibition PosterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Gerhard Glück. The Simple Life» Exhibition PosterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Richard McGuire. Then and There, Here and Now»PublicationsCHF 39.00«Richard McGuire. Then and There, Here and Now» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Richard McGuire. Then and There, Here and Now» PostcardsOtherCHF 8.00«Dominique Goblet. Abysses» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Dominique Goblet. Untiefen» PostcardsOtherCHF 8.00«Blutch. Demain!» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Blutch. Demain!» PostcardsOtherCHF 12.00«Chris Ware. Paper Life» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Chris Ware. Paper Life» Exhibition newspaperPublicationsCHF 12.00«Chris Ware. Paper Life» PostcardsOtherCHF 10.00«Hécatombe Collectives» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Collectif Hécatombe «Pourtant on avait tout bien fait»PublicationsCHF 23.00«Will Eisner. Graphic Novel Godfather» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Will Eisner. Graphic Novel Godfather The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 64.00«Cosey. Vers l'inconnu» exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00«Gabriella Giandelli. Kaleidoscope» exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Gabriella Giandelli «Mirabile Bestiarium» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 29.00«Gabriella Giandelli. Kaleidoscope» PostcardsOtherCHF 8.00«Lika Nüssli. Im Taumel» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Lika Nüssli - Yellow serigraphyOtherCHF 190.00«Lika Nüssli. Im Taumel» PostcardsOtherCHF 8.00«Catherine Meurisse. L'Humeur sérieux» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Posy Simmonds. Close Up» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Big City Life» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Big City Life» The magazine accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 19.00«Brecht Evens. Night Animals» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Brecht Evens «Idulfania» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 26.00«Brecht Evens. Night Animals» PostcardsOtherCHF 8.00«Christoph Fischer. The World Put on Paper» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Christoph Fischer. Der Welt abgeschaut» PostcardsOtherCHF 10.00Christoph Fischer «Während ich schlief» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 39.00«Tom Tirabosco. Wonderland» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Tom Tirabosco «Trente oiseaux morts» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 28.00«Victoria Lomasko. Other Russias» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Victoria Lomasko «Other Russias» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 10.00«Joann Sfar. Sans début ni fin» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Joann Sfar «Sans début ni fin» Exhibition newspaperPublicationsCHF 5.00Joann Sfar «Ohne Anfang und Ende – Comic in Arbeit» Workshop publicationPublicationsCHF 9.90«Le Monde de Tardi» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Ulli Lust. Zu viel ist nicht genug» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Ulli Lust. Zu viel ist nicht genug» Postcard setOtherCHF 18.00«Andreas Gefe. Das sind wir» AusstellungsplakatPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Andreas Gefe Da sind wir» Postcard setOtherCHF 18.00«Hans Geisen. Weltansichten» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Lorenzo Mattotti. Imago» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Cotton Bags with drawings of Lorenzo MattottiOtherCHF 9.00Lorenzo Mattotti «Ligne Fragile» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 29.00«dr. Zep & mr. Titeuf» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Zep» postcard setOtherCHF 18.00«Aline Kominsky-Crumb & Robert Crumb. Drawn Together» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Aline Kominsky-Crumb & Robert Crumb «Drawn Together» The Book accompanying the exhibitionPublicationsCHF 39.00«Ampel Magazin. Normalerweise war's das» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Ampel Magazin » Postcard setOtherCHF 18.00«Joe Sacco. Comics Journalist» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00Joe Sacco «Zeichner als Reporter» Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 29.00«ATAK. Das Wunder von Berlin» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00 / CHF 19.00«Peter Gut. Fürs Leben gezeichnet» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 12.00«Peter Gut» postcard setOtherCHF 18.00«Die Abenteuer der Ligne claire. Der Fall Hergé & Co.» Exhibition posterPostersCHF 19.00«Die Abenteuer der Ligne claire Der Fall Herr G. & Co.» Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 5.00Joost Swarte «Zeichner und Gestalter» Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 9.50Joost Swarte - Limited Edition Silk ScreenOtherCHF 150.00Frisch gestrichen Meisterwerke der Kunstparodie Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 25.00How to Love Graphic Novellas by Actus Comics Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 29.00«Comics Deluxe! Das Comicmagazin Strapazin» Exhibition cataloguePublicationsCHF 29.00