Comics Deluxe!
Strapazin – the comic magazine
Today, comics outside of the classic genres attract a broad readership. In the past twenty years, the comic has achieved a spectacular cultural feat – once confined to the messy corners of children’s playrooms, comics are now considered a contemporary form of artistic expression with great potential in terms of content and aesthetic value. Graphic novels are reviewed in the literary sections of newspapers and have found their way into museums and other cultural establishments. These developments were possible thanks to laboratories where illustrators and writers could experiment, play and innovate far from the mainstream and without commercial pressure. In the German-speaking world, it is primarily the Zurich-based magazine Strapazin that assumes this role of facilitator. Since its beginning in 1984, Strapazin has maintained a clear position: No mainstream fare, but visual worlds that push artistic and narrative frontiers. For almost thirty years, Strapazin has observed, encouraged and reflected on the comic scene, thus contributing to the emergence of an independent German-language scene. But Strapazin’s influence is not limited by language; comic lovers around the world know and admire the magazine. The exhibition “Comics Deluxe!” tells a double narrative: Going beyond the simple portrait of an extraordinary magazine, the exhibition traces the evolution of an independent comic scene and the emergence of a wide readership. Artists: ATAK, Peter Bäder, M.S. Bastian/Isabelle L., Caprez/Schuler, Anke Feuchtenberger, Ursula Fürst, Andreas Gefe, Sascha Hommer, Ulli Lust, Nicolas Mahler, Julia Marti, Thomas Ott, Kati Rickenbach, Anna Sommer, Milva Stutz, Martin tom Dieck.
Curators: Christian Gasser, Anette Gehrig
Peter Bäder, Strapazin Nr. 16 “Anzeigen” 1988
Andreas Gefe “Im Tal” 2008
Thomas Ott, Strapazin Nr. 2 “Tagtäglich” 1984
Kati Rickenbach, Cover Strapazin China Nr. 1, chinesische Ausgabe 2010