Winsor McCay
Comics, animation, dreams
Winsor McCay (1869–1934) is one of the most important forerunners of today’s cartoons. His innovative, unequaled work from the early 20th century is the stuff of phantasies, manias and dreams, and full of visionary images that still inspire artists today. His best-known series, “Dream of the Rarebit Fiend” and “Little Nemo in Slumberland”, were first published in American newspapers and took readers by surprise with their profusion of new perspectives, surreal transformations and seemingly weightless movements. The exhibition in the Cartoonmuseum Basel is the first in Switzerland to showcase the work of comic pioneer McCay, who in 1911 created the first animated cartoonsin film history – 17 years before Walt Disney’s first successful sound film “Steamboat Willie”. On display are the full-page colour Sunday papers, about 30 original drawings as well as objects and animated cartoons.
Curator: Dr. Alexander Braun
Winsor McCay “Little Nemo in Slumberland” 1906
Winsor McCay “Little Nemo in Slumberland” 1906
Winsor McCay “Little Nemo in Slumberland” 1906